Located in the village of Beachburg, this is a perfect trail for families and children.
Parking, washrooms and picnic area at trail head.
Address: End of Cardel St. Beachburg, ON
Just up the road from the public beach called Little Lakes, this is great trail network for beginner/intermediate riders. Also features a bike park section called "Wonky Donkey" with wooden bridges to test your skills.
Best parking is at the public Little Lakes Beach then ride up Pappin Rd. Trail head on your left aprox. 1/2 km up Pappin Rd.
Washrooms and picnic tables at beach.
Managed and forested by the County of Renfrew, these old trails have been a wonderful walking/biking network to many for years!
Address: 631 Government Rd, Beachburg, ON.
Located behind the new River Barn Pub. These advanced trails weave past the Ottawa River.
Parking at The River Barn.
(Opening May 2023). Address: Corner of Gransettlement and Fletcher Rd. Beachburg, ON
Located less than 1km up the road from The River Barn. These advanced trails work their way to the Ottawa River.
Trails: Bert's Way, Dirka Dirka and coming soon: One Eyed Wolf.
Parking at The River Barn:
(Open May - Sept). Address: Corner of Gransettlement and Fletcher Rd. Beachburg, ON
Beautiful rolling intermediate/advanced trails.
Address for parking: No fixed address, but see map along Grantsettlement Rd. There is a parking lot. (or link a ride from parking at the Whitewater Brewery).
A newly constructed network of trails located at the Rafting company's main resort site. Non-Borca members must purchase a day pass to use trails.
Borca Members MUST sign in at Wilderness Tours main office to pick the season pass and sign waiver on first visit).
Address: 1260 Grants Settlement Rd. Foresters, Falls, ON.
We wish to thank and acknowledge our land partners who make these trails possible.
The Lavallee family of Beachburg, ON has donated/allowed the usage of an entire forest lot for the Lavallee Loop/park. We also thank the Finan family from Grants Settlement Farms for their land usage. (They also make amazing maple syrup).
Wilderness Tours and OWL Rafting allow trails and parking along the Ottawa River/ Whitewater Rafting section. (ps - Go rafting or take a kayak course sometime with these outfitters - you won't regret it.... you actually might just want to move here). See "Our Trails" for more trail details.
We also thank the Country of Renfrew and Whitewater Region for their support and land access for trail development.
Places to stay: Whitewater Region is more than a day trip. There are many great activities to explore in the area. Bike friendly accommodations can be booked at The Whitewater Inn (locked garage storage). Camping, cabins and RV hookup's are available at OWL Rafting and Wilderness tours.